This week I've been busy finishing up a hugely big WIP, remember thatIrish Chain quilt? Yep. I finished it yesterday, I'll be back next week with a full post on it after I've had some photo time with it ;-) So as a little treat for finishing, last night I finally got started on the cutest little mini Dwell quilt by Thimbleblossoms. I purchased it recently at 30% off! Camille is having a sale as part of the Moda blog-hop. You can find the details about it here.
(don't ask me why I seemed to forget to make the middle house!?) I think I needed another instant gratification project after that monster! If you follow me on Instagram (@messyjesse1) you would have seen a sneak peak of the finished Irish chain quilt yesterday!
I've also worked on some more letter's as part of the Spell It With Fabric QAL. I love working on these, they're so bright and happy. I'm up to 'O' now, so I'm starting to think about sashing and borders etc now I'm coming nearer to the finish line. Right, I'm off now. Just had a big box of Tasha Noel's latest collection'Country Girls' delivered, which I've got to get listed in the Sew and Quilt shop asap. Oh it's a hard job! Have a great weekend guys. xo