Hello friends! I have some VERY exciting news for you today! I've been holding off telling you, and everyone for such a long time because I've been so nervous about it! ha! ... But I'm pleased to finally tell you I'm setting up my own little online fabric store for quilters and crafty people like us! Yippee!!!
It's called Sew and Quilt, and above is my logo :) the site is currently being set up by a very talented friend and should be lauched next weekend! Eek I'm so nervous! I've been having bolts of fabric delivered the last few weeks so it's been agony trying to keep it all secret, but soon enough you will be able to shop the website yayy! I don't want to tell you in detail the fabric I will be stocking but I'm sure by now you all know my messy jesse aesthetic and can probably guess, otherwise you'll just have to wait ;)
I hope you can check back soon for more updates! xoxo